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Stable and practical YouTube video downloader

If you have a great demand for downloading YouTube videos, but are "tortured" by various video download websites, then please read this article carefully, as it will be your ultimate solution for downloading YouTube videos.

Download yt-dlp#

Go to here to download the latest version of yt-dlp.exe as a backup:


Download FFMPEG#

Go to here to download FFMPEG, make sure to choose the master-latest-win64-gpl version:


After downloading, unzip it and go to the bin folder. We only need ffmpeg.exe, so copy it for later use:


Download yt-dlp-gui#

Go to here to download the latest version of yt-dlp-gui.exe as a backup:


Download Chinese language pack#

Go to here to download the Chinese language pack for the software:



First run#

At this point, all the required files have been downloaded. Now, put all the downloaded files in a folder, and it is recommended to put this folder in the C drive of your computer (according to the author's description, this is to have high-priority software running permissions to prevent software startup failure):


To make it easier to open in the future, you can right-click on yt-dlp-gui.exe and send a shortcut to the desktop.

Then double-click on yt-dlp-gui.exe to start using it~

The first run will automatically generate a file called yt-dlp-gui.yaml, which is the software's configuration file and can be ignored.

Advanced settings#

Open the software and click on the Advanced option. Enable the proxy. If your proxy tool is Clash for Windows, you can directly use my configuration. If you are using other proxy tools, you need to replace the corresponding proxy port number:



Other options can be set according to your preferences:




Copy the video URL into the text box, click the Analyze button, wait for 5 seconds, and a series of information about the video will appear, including the title, description, video format, audio format, etc.:


Just select the video format and audio format you want to download. Remember, the video format and audio format should correspond. For example, if you want to download a video in mp4 format, you should choose the m4a audio format:


Then click the Download button in the lower right corner of the software and wait for the download to complete:


If you encounter any problems during use, you can check or submit an issue.

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